Saturday, December 10, 2011

From Circle of Moms - How to Figure Out Your Child's Learning Style

By Kim Westerman

We know that children learn and grow at different rates, but they also have different learning styles as well. Figuring out which methods of learning your child prefers is your best tool for helping her develop to her highest potential. The three basic learning styles are: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic/tactile.
The Three Learning Styles

Circle of Moms member Jen P. has noticed that her three kids could not be more different. One is a visual learner, one is auditory, and one is kinesthetic/tactile. How to juggle all three so that no one is disadvantaged? The good news is that very few kids fall exclusively into one category; almost all kids prefer a combination of different learning methods.

How can you tell what kind of learner your child is? And how can you use this information in practical ways to help him or her learn?

Visual Learners

The visual learner is attracted to language, written or spoken, that is highly imagistic in nature. Does your child prefer stories she can visualize? Does she like to see you model a behavior, like teeth-brushing, or putting together a puzzle, before she tries it herself? Does she often say, "Show me?" Does she like to watch others? If so, you may have a primarily visual learner on your hands.

Auditory Learners

Auditory learners tend to verbalize what they are trying to learn. They repeat instructions, read aloud, and memorize by saying words out loud. Does your child not need to sit in the front row at story time? That's likely because she's listening, and doesn't need the visual component to enjoy the story. Does she hum or sing to herself? That's another sign that the auditory realm is important to her.

Kinesthetic/Tactile Learners

The kinesthetic/tactile learner learns best by doing. She prefers hands-on experience to watching someone else perform a task or being told how to do something. She often gestures with her hands as she talks, and she enjoys taking things apart and putting them back together.

Playing to Your Child's Strengths

Once you've determined which of these three kinds of learning is primary for your child, how do you go about tailoring learning activities to play to her strengths?

Teaching a Visual Learner

Visual learners tend to respond well to photos, drawings, and illustrations, and often prefer that they not be accompanied by sound. It's helpful to ask a visual child to close his eyes and recollect something he saw — this is not only a way of testing his visual prowess, but also a way of encouraging him to use this skill for recall. Flash cards, iPhone apps that are visually driven but not too noisy, and colored pens or markers for identifying different kinds of information are some tools that will play to your child's strengths. Visual learners are often labeled as "day-dreamers," but remember this does not indicate that he isn't listening. He's taking in information by visualizing.

Teaching an Auditory Learner

Auditory learners like to hear stories read to them, even if they are themselves strong readers. This kind of learner responds well to the spoken word, so try to find compelling books on CD, trivia games that can be played aloud, and a variety of music that will stimulate the senses. Ask your child to recreate a story you've just read to her, and tape her so that she can hear herself later. Or let her tell you a story while you write or type it out, which will help her remember the information.

Teaching an Kinesthetic/tactile Learner

Kinesthetic/tactile learners love to mimic others, so gravitate towards learning resources that involve demonstration. The demonstrator could be a DVD with a human or animated character, or you! The important thing is to get your child moving by trying to demonstrate what she's learned. Art projects, charades, and nature walks are all good choices for kids who don't respond to physically passive learning.

And if your child is a hybrid learner, combine these suggestions to see what works best for you. Be sure not to eliminate lessons or tasks that are more conducive to the other styles. This is merely a tool for playing to your children's learning strengths.

From Circle of Moms - How to Raise Kind and Thoughtful Kids

In a recent special episode of Sesame Street, Growing Hope Against Hunger, fans of the show met Lily, a new muppet whose family doesn't have enough food. Lily introduced this timely issue in an age-appropriate way, which is something that many Circle of Moms members say they struggle to do. It's not easy to teach a child whose favorite word is "mine!" about poverty, hunger, and the importance of generosity.

Some, like Kristen S., wonder how early to start. Should she begin with more basic lessons about sharing and helping, or go ahead and take her 4-year-old daughter to help out at the local food bank? She wonders what other parents of young children have done "to help their little ones learn about those less fortunate."

In answer to Kristen's question, here are some great ideas from Circle of Moms members on teaching lessons about kindness, compassion, and charity — to a preschool-aged child.

1. Practice sharing
For small children, empathy begins with learning how to share. “My son is 20-month-old and is terrible with sharing,” says Lauren M. Libby H. suggests giving him more chances to practice: “Preschool is kind of young to get the whole sharing and compassion for others concept. But perhaps just have some play dates with friends or family members and teach the kids [not to take] stuff away from other kids and [about] sharing. Then stick with it and be consistent. The repetition will pay off.”

2. Model kindness
Children learn from an early age to model their parent’s behaviors, and moms shape how their children treat others from an early age. “You have to take an active role in teaching children compassion,” says Circle of Moms member Magen H. “Parents should stop their children when they do something hurtful and explain or show them how this hurts others.”

Tonia M. believes that "everything a kid is or is not exposed to defines who they are." As she explains, "All kids have their days. My kids have been little stinkers and had their moments. I strongly believe it is how the parent respond to their negative behavior though. I totally one hundred percent think a child not being empathetic is due to not having to be accountable for hurting someone.”
3. Practice thoughtfulness
Some Circle of Moms members suggest incorporating prayer and thoughtful actions into their young children's routines. "I have been teaching my two- and three-year-old sons to pray for others,” said Anita M. “If we hear about someone's misfortune...we pray and try to do something thoughtful."

4. Donate toys, books, or money
Heather H. has introduced the concept of giving to the poor by enlisting her four young children to pick clothes they have outgrown or don’t need to donate to Goodwill. “My kids are a little too young to go to places to volunteer, but when they are older I will take them to places like nursing homes and food banks,” says. “For now they know we give our used items to Goodwill for other people."

Other moms suggest taking your child with you to donate their outgrown clothes, toys and books to a woman’s shelter, where there is often a great need for these supplies. This helps them understand that other children will benefit and to feel good about their participation. As September S., who has done this, shares, "We have a shelter where I live that provides housing to mothers who are/were drug addicted and or abused [and are] looking to get back onto their feet, and I donated a lot of stuff to that organization. It felt great! :)" (For more ideas on where to donate, see Donate, Sell or Trade? 9 Ways to Discard Outgrowns.)

Another option is to have your kids donate money. Circle of Moms member Karen says, “One of the moms in our church had her children put money in a box for the ‘poor people that didn't have any money’ and at Christmas they gave the money to a charity that helped local people."

5. Join efforts with other families
Another way to jump start your effort is to combine it with activities you do with other families. “I really like the idea of getting together with other families for service projects,” says Toni D. “Several mothers and our kiddos met at the local park and decorated small flower pots,” she says. “Then we all took a few home and planted a flower in them. We went to the nursing home and delivered the gifts to all the residents. It really brightened their day and the kids got the chance to visit with the residents.”

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Great Holiday Books Suggestions Check them out!

I am very passionate about literacy for children. We have a tradition in our house come December 1st once a week both girls receive a Christmas book leading up until Christmas we add to our ever expanding library of great books. I love a good book and found PBS Kids is thinking like me. Here's some book suggestions for Hanukkah and Christmas. Enjoy, have fun and READ with your kiddos!